A worldly wine to share with Mates

2020 delivered a surreal and bizarre life experience, one that although littered with individual stories, has been shared by virtually all humans across the globe. The pandemic that has shaped our lives over the last twelve months has both connected and separated us like nothing else this generation.

The 2020 harvest continued despite Australia’s first nationwide lockdown, and in the winery, it allowed us to focus our efforts on crafting the wines that we will release over the next two years. The 2020 Mates Aglianico is the first of these wines to emerge from this harvest, and it is a relief to finally reveal the toils of a strange time. I have said this before, but when I release a wine, it is like a Tardis, or a Delorian; a window into the past and I can vividly reflect on a point in time. With the world shut around us, April 2020 seemed calm and natural, and I hope this state of mind is reflected in the wines that we have made.

Prior to the pandemic hitting our shores a more familiar threat that was equally as serious was being fought across most of the country. Fires flared and raged from northern NSW to Kangaroo Island and everywhere in between. In many ways these fires disturbed livelihoods with a greater ferocity than the COVID crisis. It seemed appropriate to dedicate the 2020 Mates to our mates in the CFS; volunteer firefighters that risk their lives to protect the livelihoods of others. When things seem too hard and life continues to challenge us, there is nothing more important than sticking together and helping others out. The CFS volunteers face this adversity every time they suit up, and it’s a great life lesson for us all.

About the Wine
2020 Izway Mates Aglianico
From ancient Greece to southern Italy to the Barossa, Aglianico is a little-known variety with a very long history. Each vintage of this wine is dedicated to the people who have inspired, influenced and entertained us – our mates. Inspired by the wines of Beaujolais, Mates is layered and intriguing.
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Craig Isbel